Competition Cancellation

This year, fall sports have been majorly affected by the Coronavirus, but what about other things that go on during the fall season? One of the other extra-curricular activities that have been affected is the band. At the beginning of the school year, the band class focuses on marching band and putting together shows for competitions. This year, all of the competitions the band normally attends have been canceled.
Courtney Cox, a senior, is the head drum major for the band this season. She absolutely loves being the drum major! She practices the music frequently to become comfortable with it, that way she can help the rest of the band with things they may need help with. One of the things the band does is show up every morning, except Fridays, at 7:30 AM to practice. Cox makes these early mornings enjoyable by cracking little jokes here and there and having dance breaks! Her favorite thing about marching band is how connected all of the members become over time.
Scottsbluff’s “Old West Marching Fest” competition was canceled. Cox stated, “The cancellation was really sad news, especially because I am a senior.” While the cancellation of the competition was sad news to her, she knows that the year will still be a great one. Besides, competitions are not the reason she does band. She does band to enjoy the company of those around her and play all types of fun music.
Jackson Moomey, a senior, is the section leader for the trumpets. He has played the trumpet since 6th grade. His favorite part of the marching season is the music that is played. The band plays Motown Pieces, Hit Songs, and some Funk Music. Moomey enjoys being the section leader for the trumpets because he can influence the younger or new players and help them learn to love music the way he does. Along with Scottsbluff’s “Old West Marching Fest,” state band is canceled. Jack states, “It sucks because I’ve only been to state band competition one year, my freshman year.” He did not attend state competition his sophomore and junior year because there were many changes, including a big senior class leaving and getting a new band director. He states, “This year there will not even be a chance at making it to state which is upsetting.”
Jeremy Eskam, the band director, is on his third year of conducting the band. Being a band director during marching band season is very crazy, but very rewarding. He loves the early mornings and late nights because the band has a one of a kind sound. He states, “It is beyond awesome to hear and see the progress that the band makes throughout the season.” His favorite part of the marching band season is being able to put on an outside performance because the outdoors always feel limitless to him.
With the cancellation of “Old West Marching Fest” and State Marching Competiton, there were lots of mixed feelings. Mr. Eskam states, “Capstone events such as these competitions help to tie a knot in our concert cycles and provide us with valuable feedback. I can only hope that these cancellations will not persist into next year’s season.” The band will be hosting their own band day on October 17 at 10 AM to take place of the “Old West Marching Fest.” This will feature, both, the AHS and AMS band and all of the music they have prepared in the season thus far.

Hey, everyone!! My name is Brooklyn Branstiter, I am a senior at Alliance High School. I am the 16 year old daughter of Aaron and Shauna Branstiter. My...