Second Semester Is Here

It’s that time of the year again, the second semester. Four more months until summer! This is the part of the year everybody hates. It goes by so slowly and there are hardly any breaks. I did a short poll on the second semester on what people thought of it so far. A lot of people put exhausting, tiring, and hard. I observed some teachers and most of them are really happy about starting the second semester and are excited to meet their new students but some seem nervous and or anxious. I think the second semester is just a hard time for everybody because the teachers expect students to work harder than in the first semester and they struggle with that. I think it’s hard for teachers as well because they get new students so they have to relearn everyone’s name and the principal is going to be harder on them. So when you walk down the hallways give somebody a smile or ask your classmates how their days have been. Go out of your comfort zone and make new friends and go have a laugh. Be mindful of everyone around you and let’s all try to get through this long semester!

Jamie Brooks grew up in a small town called Alliance, Jamie has always loved the country and how much open space there is for land and cattle!...