Brexten Kimmel was born on June 30, 2006; he is 17 years old. He is the son of Jodi and Bryan Kimmel. He is currently a senior here at the Alliance High School with many dreams ahead of him. Brexten is a member of the golf, bowling team, and band. I asked him why he liked golf he stated,” Whether it’s the tranquility of the course that mixes with its beautiful nature or the mood I’m feeling. The course always has a calming atmosphere that is peaceful to my mind at any time of day. New courses are also huge for me to experience the new challenges they pose. My favorite course is Southern Hills Hot Springs, South Dakota!” Brexten is involved in multiple honor bands and loves to play the trombone leaving him as first chair. Brexten is looking forward to graduation and dreams of attending South Dakota Mines because it has a cool program, it is very credible, and it has an amazing atmosphere. Attending SDM he is planning to major in electrical engineering. I asked him why electrical engineering he stated “It’s a huge growing sphere of our world and involves building our future. It also interests me a lot in what I do in my free time with electronics. Whether that’s repairing them or modifying them to my liking. It all cultivates my interest.” Academically his biggest supporter is his mom, and making his younger self proud of who he’s become today whether that’s following his full potential. His favorite quote is “If you chase the butterflies you will never catch them, but if you build a beautiful garden they will come. If they still don’t come at least you have a beautiful garden.” Because he stated even though you build a better future for yourself, if you don’t have support at least you have what you created…The SPUD would like to wish nothing but success and greatness for all of Brexten’s future accomplishments!
Senior Spotlight Brexten Kimmel
Caylee Loomis, Writer
February 23, 2024

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Caylee Loomis, Editor
Caylee Loomis was born and raised in Alliance, Nebraska. She went to school from preschool to her seventh-grade year in Alliance then transferred to Hemingford her eighth through freshman year. She transferred to Hemingford because Caylee struggled in school and her mom thought it would be a good change. Caylee transferred back because she didn’t like Hemingford, and is now graduating from Alliance! Caylee said, “I am very excited to be graduating school I want to go out and do my own thing.”
In school, Caylee is involved with the band playing the cymbals and learning the trumpet. Caylee said she chose band for an activity because the majority of her friends were in band and Mrs. Mangas offered to teach her the cymbals and trumpet.
Caylee stated, “For my last year at the high school, I would love to get awesome grades and a good GPA of 3.3.” She also wants to explore more job opportunities before leaving high school. When Caylee goes out to explore different jobs there is also more to life than just one job. Before Caylee leaves for college she would like to go to Lancaster, Pennsylvania to visit. She wants to know if that is really where she wants to live when she moves away. The reason she wants to move to Lancaster is because of the environment and she wants to get out of Nebraska.
Outside of school, Caylee works as a dishwasher at Ken and Dales. During her time away from school and work she loves to spend time with her family and friends, bake, and read fictional books.
After high school, Caylee would love to attend WNCC ( Western Nebraska Community College) and major in education. Caylee said, “I chose WNCC because of the financial aid, and it is cheap, it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to go there.” After college Caylee wants to be an English teacher in Pennsylvania. The person who inspired Caylee to be a teacher was Mrs. Gustafson because of how she interacts with the students and her teaching methods. Caylee's parents and her friends have inspired her to accomplish her dreams.
Caylee has one quote she wants everyone to remember, “Just cause your writing sucks, don’t ever give up.” Caylee wants everyone to know this quote because her writing once sucked and she never gave up now she is chief editor of the high school newspaper.