Senior Spotlight: Kayla Campos
Kayla Campos Sanchez is the daughter of Maria Sanchez and Eladio Campos. She is involved in Tennis, KEY Club, Band, and Academic Decathlon. When asked her favorite high school memory, she responded, “Going to state basketball my freshman year.” Advice that she would give to underclassmen is to “turn in your homework on time and enjoy high school because it goes by fast.” After high school, she plans to attend Chadron State College to pursue a career in English. One fun fact about Kayla is that she loves sunflowers. She also stated that her favorite class is Creative Writing because she is able to write creatively without restraints.

Hey everybody! My name is Kelsey Horton, I am a senior at Alliance High School. I am the 18 year old daughter of Lyle and Kate Horton. My older brother,...