Madeline Huss is the daughter of Dan and Cheri Huss. When asking Maddy about her hobbies she stated she didn’t have many except for band. Being in Band has helped her form her true passion for music. Playing the Alto Saxophone has not once stopped her from trying out to be a drum major! Being a drum major has always been a big goal for Maddy trying out for the position since her 8th grade year, finally making it her senior year! Considering being a drum major as a “leadership position”, she can’t wait to see and make a change when it comes to the band, even though she knew taking the role would be a huge responsibility!
This year her focus is on graduating and attending Georgia in mid-December for band! With college right around the corner she can’t wait to graduate, and attend WNCC Western Nebraska Community College, for Linesman school. Looking to earn and achieve her lineman certificate in hopes of a happy and healthy career. After college Maddy hopes to take her degree to a bigger town such as Omaha or Kearny. In hopes of finding a good job, a nice place, and a good income! As the school year pushes through The SPUD wishes nothing but greatness for Maddy as she pursues her goals!