This year for Halloween the Alliance High School staff dressed up. With many costumes in mind each teacher chose to dress up! Teachers dressed up as characters from Scooby Doo, Despicable Me, Teenage Mutant NInja Turtles, and many more. A school poll was posted for students to have the power to vote on who their favorite hallway halloween costume was. In result having first floor take the win dressing up as different characters from Despicable Me.
Asking Mrs Fingar, a english teacher who dressed up as Daphne, what is her opinion on the costume results she stated “Im dissapointed that not everybody from the winning team hallway dressed up yet they still won.” Although not many teachers participated in dressing up it was all about the school spirit, and those who did dress up looked great!
Mr. Crile, a math teacher, who was part of the winning hallway stated ”I am Vector.” Leaving Mrs. Fingar to feel defeated as her hallway took a loss. As the school year goes on and Halloween is only 364 days away! I can’t wait to see all the great costumes for next year’s staff!