Winter Practice Underway
The winter sports season is upon us, and the teams are working hard to prepare for the upcoming games and matches. The first official day of winter practice was held Monday, November 17. New wrestling coach Dr. Ruff and the wrestling team held their first official team practice after school. The boy’s basketball team began their practices early on Monday morning at 6 am, before having a second practice that evening. New girls basketball coach Joe Kalp and the girl’s basketball team held their practice after school.
The both girls and boys basketball teams have their first game December 5, when they host Omaha Grosse Catholic in the first round of the Western Conference tournament. The wrestling team starts their season on December 11 when they host Scottsbluff at home for a dual. Best of luck to the Alliance Bulldogs this season!

Hi, I am Brian Gould, a third year writer, and Editor-In-Chief for the SPUD. I am a Senior at Alliance High School. I play tennis for the Bulldogs. I am...