Teen years are marked as the rebellious years with actions that are impulsive and poor. With that being said, the decisions made by teens can affect a life greatly due to small choices that may result in huge consequences.
One example of these impactful actions is texting and driving, in a survey conducted by the Journal of Adolescent Health, it is said that about 38% of American teens text and drive. Accompanied by the small driving experience, this statistic has resulted in nearly 296 teen deaths in the year 2021. This is a prominent issue seen every day with little to no care due to a common mindset that nothing will happen when checking a screen for one second. Waiting a few minutes will save lives, don’t be selfish stay off your phone.
Another issue is drunk driving; partying is more likely to happen during the teen years this factor combined with the impulsiveness of a teenage brain doesn’t go well. By not thinking about the consequences, roughly eight teens die a day from intoxicated while being associated with a vehicle. Having a designated sober driver can solve this problem tremendously. Not caving into peer pressure might cause your friends to be mad but at least they’ll be alive.
These severe life-altering seconds are all choices. Taking a second to think about the effects of your decisions changes statistics.