Painted Parking Spots
Senior Parking spots are something that many schools want. It gives students the opportunity to express themselves in many different ways! Here at Alliance High School we have been discussing if this is something that we’re going to participate in. Many of the students here always lose their spot when trying to get to school. Recently, I had an interview with our principal Mr. Stein, and he said, “ Oh, trust me I am all for this and I think it’d be an amazing opportunity for the students here at AHS.” That being said, there will be a way to determine who gets to paint their spot. “We haven’t decided how to decide which students will be able to participate.” said Stein.
There are many ways that they could decide on students, such as GPA, class rank, and participation. What’s cool about this is that we are deciding to open painting spots to everyone, not just seniors! Talking to a few seniors, they had said that they would have loved to participate in this activity, and they are hoping that it gets passed for us to enjoy!

Hello everyone! I’m Emma Machado, daughter of Amy and Derrick Machado. I am a sophomore at Alliance High School and this is my first year in the Spud....