Senior Farewell
My senior year is finally here, and it is almost over. I have gotten involved in so many things throughout my high school career that has helped me become the person that I am today. I have learned so many things about becoming a person that I love and admire. One of these things is Journalism.
Last year I did not know what class I wanted to take to fill my eighth period. I had some friends in Journalism, and the class seemed like it would be fun. When I walked into the class on the first day, I was met with a new teacher. This teacher’s name was Mrs. Ramos. It was her first year teaching and she was very new to the subject. She was willing to learn alongside us, which made me feel welcome in the class. My junior year was one of the best years of my entire high school career. Journalism added to this. I had found a way to get involved in my school while also doing something that I loved – writing.
This year, when I walked into the journalism classroom on the first day of school, there was another new teacher. Her name is Ms. Rejino. She always allows us to write about things that we will enjoy writing about. When I actually like the topic of my story, the story always comes out better. This is something that I have appreciated. I have done stories on things ranging from my friends, my family and even sports.
In this year’s class, I am one of the editors. This has been such an honor for me. It makes me happy to be able to give my fellow writers ideas on how to make their stories the best that they can be. The SPUD is a way to inform our community and school of things that are happening in Alliance. Journalism has allowed me to open up. It has also helped me become more involved in not only the school but the community of Alliance.
Writing for the SPUD has made me a better person. I appreciate the opportunities the class has opened up for me. I will forever be grateful for being a writer for the SPUD.

Hey, everyone!! My name is Brooklyn Branstiter, I am a senior at Alliance High School. I am the 16 year old daughter of Aaron and Shauna Branstiter. My...