Speech Team Wins at Chadron
The Alliance High speech team traveled to the Chadron State speech meet on February 7, 2015. The team took the Sweepstakes Runner Up honor at the meet. Christa Horn placed first in Entertainment Speaking. The Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) placed first. The members of the OID are Bethany Baker, Alexis Garrett, Mary Weingart, Christa Horn, and Betsy Goodell. Bethany Baker also placed third in the category of Informative speaking. Trajan Garcia placed second in Humorous Prose and third place in Serious Prose. ShariLisa Schober placed fifth in the Informative speaking category. The speech team did very well at their second meet of the season. The next speech meet for the team is Saturday February 14, 2015, at Bridgeport.

My name is Peyton Stoike. I’m a senior at AHS. I’ve played for the high school softball team since my freshman year. I’m a very good student, and...