Gering Speech Invitation
On Saturday, January 24, the Alliance High Speech team competed in the Gering Speech Invitation. Christa horn placed first in the entertainment speaking. Trajan Garcia placed third in humorous prose. Grace Tolstedt placed third in extemporaneous speaking. Courtney Little Hoop and Peyton Stoike placed fifth in duet acting. Bailey Alwin placed sixth place in persuasive speaking. The team of Bethany Baker, Lexi Garret, Mary Weingart, Christa Horn and Betsy Goodell placed fifth in the oral interpretation of drama. These students did an outstanding job! The next speech meet will be February 7 in Chadron.

Hi guys. My name is Carissa Adamson. I'm sixteen and I'm a sophomore.I have three siblings. Jacob is a freshman, Brycen is going to be a fourth grader...