Ugly Sweater Contest
AHS got into the Christmas spirit by having an ugly sweater contest for the staff and students. Though not a lot of students wore their sweaters, there were many impressive sweaters throughout the school. With Christmas break right around the corner, this was a fun way to forget about finals for some students. They judged the contest by grade and teachers. For the teachers, Mr. Miller won. The freshman winner was Cherokee Purviance. The sophomore winner was Jake McCaffrey. For the Juniors, Baden Shelmadine won. Lastly, the senior winner was Abbey Luger. The winners of the contest received $5 DQ gift cards from Student Council. Have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Hello! My name is Tucker Hill. I’m a 17 year old Senior at AHS. I have lived in Alliance and have been going to Alliance Public Schools my whole life....