A Fight Against Leukemia
The Jansante Benefit is a benefit to help defray the medical costs for Susan Seiler Jansante, who is the wife of former AHS teacher and coach Val Jansante. It will be held Saturday, October 25 from 11AM to 7PM. The price is $5 per person. Raffle tickets for a quilt will also be sold, with tickets going from $1 per ticket, or $5 for six tickets.
Susan Jansante is currently in a Denver hospital being treated for Leukemia. During the first home basketball game, the winner of the quilt raffle will be drawn. St. Johns donated the quilt.
The situation is terrible, and it’s important that as many people as possible help out Susan Jansante in the struggle to beat Leukemia. It’s always hard, but if everybody works together for a good cause, a change can be made.

Hello, my name is Kolton Quick. I’m a senior for the Alliance High School and I’m also the A&E editor for the Spud. In my spare time I like to...