Author talks to AHS students
On October 9th Alliance High School had a guest speaker come talk to the advanced English classes and history classes. Mr. Timothy Slessor is an Englishmen who has written three books. He discussed how he loved Nebraska and three main reasons why. First, he said he loves the Geography of Nebraska. Mr. Slessor loves when he drives over the hill and sees land for miles and miles. Second, he loves the history of Nebraska. Mr. Slessor talked about how it might seem forever ago for us kids because we are only eighteen but it doesn’t seem that long ago for him, specifically because he remembers interviewing a man who was in the Civil War. Third, he loves the people because of how kind and polite they all are. McKenna Romick said that, “He was cute and very interesting!”
Mr. Slessor also talked about history of the English language, and how words are spelled different here than in England. The difference between how Americans would say something and how someone from England would say it is far different. It was all very interesting and the kids were all glad to have Mr. Slessor visit them!

Hi guys. My name is Carissa Adamson. I'm sixteen and I'm a sophomore.I have three siblings. Jacob is a freshman, Brycen is going to be a fourth grader...