The second week into March;(11-15), the HOPE Squad and STUCO held certain activities throughout the week.Ranging from dress up as a teacher, find the lifesaver, and many more events. I interviewed Mrs. Nelson in why she advocates so strongly for HOPE squad she stated “I started it because I lost my daughter in 2017, her boyfriend knew and I feel like if people were more aware, things would of ended up differently for her, HOPE squad is a peer to peer support system when one is in need.”
Monday was Crazy Hair Day/Donate Clothing Day, students had the opportunity to express themselves through their hair, and donate clothes to people in need. Although many of the students didn’t participate doing their hair many students helped donate old clothing. Tuesday the 12th was Rhyme Without a Reason, and find Waldo. Students had the opportunity to “Rhyme without a reason” such as dressing up as a spoon or a moon, and many more costume ideas! Such as Mrs Bairs. As she dressed in a Barbie costume, and Mrs Nelson matching her as the Army! Where’s Waldo was also held that day as students had the chance to spot Mr. Lanik (Waldo) throughout the hall to win points for their dog pound!
Wednesday was Hippie Day, where students could dress in bright colors, as a fun little way to express themselves. Thursday was Teacher/ Student Swap Day and Life Perserver Day. Students had the opportunity to dress as their favorite teacher to show teacher appreciation! Also held that day the HOPE squad hid life perservers around the school for people to find them, and cash them out for points for their dog pound to earn a pizza party or root beer float party. To wrap up the week on Friday was Undercover Day (Camo/Ninja) and Find The Golden Coin held by STUCO. STUCO members hid gold coins around the school for students to find and get a prize, but also cash them out for dog pound points! The winner of the Dog Pound competition is to be determined-. Although the week flew by fast I can’t wait to see what HOPE squad and STUCO have planned next year for the student body!