December is filled with love and cheer all around, but most importantly Christmas concerts! As the choir concert was coming into place there was a problem. Upon the night of the concert, a basketball game was the same day leaving the fear if anyone would attend the concert due to the game. The school board took the concert into their own hands, deciding to move the choir concert with the band concert on December 14. Resulting in the band concert being longer to fit in the choir groups. Such as, Velocity, Harmonics, and Mixed Choir!
The Christmas concert goes from; Mixed Choir, Jazz Band, Velocity, Concert Band, and Harmonics. The Christmas concert ranges in different classics such as Your A Mean One Mr. Grinch(Harmonics), Polar Express (Concert Band), and many many more! Asking Dr. Kloch, how she feels about moving the concert she stated,” I feel fine about it, all the other schools in my community find it really important that they get there program too and its really hard with sports around christmas time just to find dates, sometimes you just have to roll with the punches, I am very grateful for Mrs. Mangas to let me join in with her concert.” As the concert is this Thursday, jump into the christmas spirit and dont be afraid to attend. The SPUD will all look forward to seeing you all there at 7:30!