The Decision of a Lifetime: Trade School Perspective
After high school graduation, many students want to further their education, but don’t want to spend the money and time at a four year college that they might end up dropping out of anyway. Going to trade school is a great option for high school graduates that want to avoid a four year college, and get hands-on training in their specific field.
Jaxon Bair is an Alliance High School senior who plans to attend trade school following graduation. Bair stated that he isn’t for sure, but is looking to attend Bridgerland Tech in Logan, Utah. When asked why attending trade school is better for him, Bair responded, “I can get all four years at trade school for the same cost of half a semester at a college.” For some, the price of college can be too much, and wanting to avoid copious amounts of student loans is very understandable. Bair explained that he didn’t want to just enter the workforce because “I feel like learning [and getting a certification] to get a better pay is good.” Lastly, Bair remarked that, “If you want to go to college but the cost is too much, you can go to trade school for cheaper and potentially get a job that pays more out of it.”
Stephen Reid is another AHS senior who plans to attend trade school after he graduates. Reid plans on attending UTI (Universal Technical Institute) for diesel mechanics and a certification in cummins diesel power. “I want to go to a trade school because it better fits my needs and wants,” stated Reid. When asked why he doesn’t want to just enter the workforce, Reid responded, “With my trade school I will be making more money and have higher education than just entering the workforce right away.” Reid noted, “I would recommend a trade school if you know exactly what you are doing. It is faster. Some of the time it might be more expensive, but you will not regret it in the long run! Make sure you do your research and ask alot of questions. Always go for what you want, [and] don’t spend the extra time and money on stuff you don’t need. Most trade schools do not make you take general classes, [but] it is there to get you into the devil’s you want to be in, and it gets you there faster.”
It is true that college isn’t for everyone, but for some, going right into the workforce isn’t right either. Trade school is the middle ground that offers training on the specific career path chosen.

Hi everyone! My name is Morgan Moomey. I am a senior at AHS, and this is my third and final year writing for the SPUD. This year I am Co-Editor-in-Chief...