“The Second Coming”
In the Bible, the book of Revelation is one that a lot of Christians might fear. For centuries, the belief of the “Second Coming” has been instilled amongst Christians and people with strong faith. There are many signs that have occurred in the world today that point to the book of Revelations and what it says.
According to internet sources, the book was written in 95 AD. The book as a whole is a prophecy, meant to warn people that live today. The book was written by John the Apostle, and it is said that he was enlightened by God to write it. Throughout the book, there was one main form of literary writing. The writing was prophetic. The book of Revelation is a prophecy brought to John by God. In the end of times there will be essentially an apocalypse, meaning there will be mass destruction and an “unveiling.” This “unveiling” hints towards the second coming of Jesus, and the unveiling of the antichrist.
Before all of this can happen, however, according to Revelation and other parts of the Bible there will be mass destruction on Earth that will hint to the ends of time. The signs include: false christs and prophets, famine, war, and an increase in sin. According to sign-of-end-times.com, there are certain verses in the bible supporting it. First, Matthew 24:4-5, 11 … “many shall come in My Name, saying, I am Christ… and many false prophets shall arise and deceive many,” There are now many new age movements. There are also hundreds of religions and prophets that the Bible does not mention, making many people of this faith claim that there are false religions and prophets. This points to a very near end to humanity. Second, is the intense famine found in almost every country as well as the many wars that will occur. Matthew 24:7 states “Nation will fight against nation and kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” It’s easy to see how famine has taken over in poor countries. Earthquakes have also been a constant issue and continue to progress all around the world as time goes by. Wars have been fought for centuries now and many believe for this reason it is not a sign of the end of times. However, the mass number of people that have been lost in the 20th century alone due to the intensity of wars opens the eyes of many. The magnitude of sin has also taken a toll on human society. In Matthew 24:12, it states that “And because there will be more and more lawlessness, most people’s love will grow cold.” The crime rates of the world have increased massively and have also become another huge sign to many believers about the near of the “Second Coming.”
Now that there is so much talk about Christ and faith, many people have taken these signs into consideration. Many celebrities have turned away from their past lives and have recently chose to live a life that reflects God. A recent example is Kanye West. Kanye West, just a few weeks ago, announced that he will no longer be creating pagan music, but rather be dedicating his craft to God, by creating only Gospel music. To many this seems like a huge step in humanity. There’s so much to consider when believing something of this magnitude, and everyone has the right to believe it or not. The “Second Coming” is something that a lot of people see as massively hard to believe, but the faith of christians has not died. With every new sign encountered, the faith of all believers grows stronger, getting them prepared for what is to come.

Hi! My name is Crystal Garza. I’m a senior at AHS, and this will be my third year writing for the SPUD. I’m the oldest daughter of Richard and Oneyda...