A huge topic of debate currently is the use of A.I. Many students believe that they should be able to use A.I to write their essays, stories and research papers. I decided to look into the pros and cons of using AI to do less work.
Lets first talk about what A.I is, A.I stands for Artificial Intelligence or in easier terms, robots that can do things in practically half the time! This, of course, has resulted in many students wanting to use A.I to write their stories, essays, reports, and basically anything that takes more than 10 minutes. Many teachers dislike the idea of using A.I because it takes away the point of grading the paper. I have a hard time agreeing with either side so lets list the pros and cons. Some of the pros of using A.I are: less time writing papers, more time to do other work, getting ideas to start a paper, and less grammar errors. Some cons of using A.I are: student does not have to work or learn, information might not align, improper spelling for the situation and many others.
Now lets take a deeper look at the pros, students will spend less time writing papers which means they could spend more time doing non-writing work. With more time to do work this also means students won’t be able to complain about not having time to work, which is a good thing for teachers. Getting ideas from A.I is the most accepted use of A.I because this helps students who have writers block or can’t think about what to write. Another of the most accepted uses of A.I is using it to correct grammar errors which we already use with tools like Grammarly and Auto correct.
When it comes to the cons there aren’t a lot of people who agree with them but they are great points. The biggest argument is that the students don’t learn anything, this is a huge issue because students are at school to learn not to be given a free ride through the class. The con I agree with most is that the information might not align with the subject. If a teacher is willing to let their students use A.I it doesn’t veto information being wrong. A.I is smart but it also doesn’t know what information aligns with each thing, this often leads to A.I written essays not being correct. The final con I saw was improper spelling; many times A.I writes sentences using the wrong version of a word such as: there instead of their, too instead of to and many others.
While researching the use of A.I my opinion changed from being pro A.I to being against the use of A.I. I would love to not have to do the work but it is detrimental to being educated, if I came to class every day and had A.I do my work for me I would not be learning anything which at that point, why would I even come to school.
This is a very big debate and I don’t expect you to agree with me, I just hope that this has allowed you to see both sides of the debate!