On Saturday, Upward Bound held a quarterly meeting. Every nine weeks Upward Bound brings all the kids together at the Chadron State College for about four hours to review an important topic that can help them in the future. This meeting discussed FAFSA(Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and other types of student aid that can be used throughout college. Five speakers and a student panel were brought in to further the discussion.
Using the student panel the high school students could ask questions about what to expect. This can be helpful to eliminate anxiety and help the students with preparing for the future. The presentations covered various themes ranging from student life to subsidized loans. Mr. Coy, the student advisor for Upward Bound said, “I think our students being exposed/informed of this information will only make the transition from high school to college go a lot smoother. Our students having this opportunity helps us to fulfill the purpose of Upward Bound and that is getting high school students prepared and ready for post-secondary entrance.“ when asked if how the students learn these things before college can be beneficial.
Along with learning about college, the students were provided with breakfast and lunch as well as a Christmas present. Some students were even rewarded two presents for attending and completing all three goals: attending Donut Day, completing the November assignment, and attending the quarterly meeting. When asked about the goal behind rewarding students Mr. Coy said, “The goal of these incentives is to motivate our students with positive reinforcements with rewards. The biggest thing is getting our students to trust the process because there is good at the end if you stick it out. Also, emphasizing the fact, that you get out what you put in makes the difference in life no matter what aspect is under the magnifying glass. Building discipline and resilience by participating in things that are maybe out of their normal life routine, and getting them to see past that, is our goal and mission. These activity fosters growth and character-building skills, that will hopefully propel students into a prosperous future.“. These quarterly meetings are important in building the Upward Bound community.