FFA Nationals

FFA Nationals

Each year, the National FFA Convention takes place and allows students to advocate the importance of agriculture. Many awards are given out to students across the nation, and the Alliance Chapter of FFA proved that small town Alliance is capable of earning some of these awards.

From October 27 to 30, 19 of the Alliance High school FFA students traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana for the National FFA Convention. Here, students participated in leadership workshops and listened to keynote speakers. They even had the chance to work with colleges and employers at the career fair. At all of these events, the importance of agriculture around the world was discussed. Without agriculture, the world would be a completely different place. Agriculture affects everybody in various ways.

In April of this year, Jayce Meyring, Jayda Meyring, Shelby Carr and Wade Sanders won the state contest and were given the opportunity to represent Nebraska in the National event. While at the convention, these four competed against multiple other teams in the National Livestock Evaluation contest. Jayce, Jayda, Carr and Sanders placed 7th in the nation overall, and 3rd in swine. Each individual also received a gold rating. 

FFA will be starting their 2021-22 contest season next week. They have been preparing since the beginning of the school year for all of these competitions. Throughout the remainder of the school year, they will compete in over twenty different events. Ashtyn Vivian, the sponsor of the Alliance chapter of FFA, claims, “Our chapter is very competitive and hopes to bring home a number of district titles and high placings at state again this year.” 

The Alliance FFA team did a great job representing our town and has most definitely made us all proud. We are all wishing them the best of luck at their competition next week and a good rest of the year! Go show them what you have got!