Adopt A Senior 2021
Every year, the parents of the new upcoming seniors at Alliance High School make a group called, “Adopt a Senior.” People throughout the community can “adopt” a senior and get them gifts throughout the year. Most people get gift baskets, food/candy, college preparation items, and anything that they believe will benefit their senior. Personally, I have been so thankful for all of the gifts that I have received, and they have helped me to push through my senior year.
The people that adopted me this year have tremendously helped me out. A huge thank you to Darcy Leistritz, Shine Amsk, Tami Tessman, Tiffany Elkins, Amber Jacobs, Haley Jacobs and Momma Chas! Everyone always says that senior year is a breeze, but in reality there is so much we have to do. Between keeping up with both high school and college classwork, and getting grad invites made and sent out, there is not a lot of time to slow down. I have received many snacks and drinks that have kept me energized throughout the school day, clothes that I have worn for several occasions, foods/supplies for college and items to help with my mental health. I am beyond thankful for all of these items and for the people who have given them to me.
On the Facebook page “Adopt a Senior,” the seniors can post pictures of themselves with their gifts and thank those who bought it for them. It makes me happy to see all of my classmates getting gifts that make them happy. Senior year really is a fun year, but it can be difficult as well. These gifts have helped out a lot of students. Some days, these have even helped to change my whole mood. I was having a bad day in the beginning of this semester, and coming home to see a gift on my front steps changed my mood for the rest of the day. With Covid-19 still going on, our senior year has been dramatically changed from the years before. I know that this year has been sad for most seniors, because so much is different. For the first half of the year we couldn’t really attend sporting events, some activities have been altered, and we haven’t been able to enjoy some of the things that we could have in the past. With events still only at 50% capacity, we are worried about what graduation will look like in the future. These gifts, large or small, have been a huge help for many seniors.
I would like to speak on behalf of all of the senior class and say thank you to all who have adopted a senior! You do not know how greatly appreciated you are.

Hey everyone! My name is Karly Wangler, and I am a senior at AHS. I am 17 years old, but will turn 18 in October. I am the daughter of Tim and Jeralee...