Behind the Screens
Anonymous messaging apps like YOLO, Yik Yak, Jodel, and After School have been being used by teens all over the world for years and for many different reasons. Some people use them to receive compliments, yet some people say terrible and degrading things about each other.
According to a survey sent out to all students at Alliance High School. Out of the 92 responses, 60.9% said that they have used anonymous apps, 34.8% said they have not, and 4.3% said that they did not remember.
The most commonly used app currently by AHS students is YOLO. YOLO is used by creating a sticker asking for anonymous messages, the link is then copied and posted to snapchat. Other people then “swipe up” to leave the person anonymous messages, which would either be compliments, questions, or sometimes rude remarks.
Why do students use these apps? The most common response was attention. Students ask for anonymous messages so they can get attention from peers. When asked if these apps make people feel better about themselves or not, 80 students (87%) said that it depends on the types of messages received. While 11 students (12%) said it makes people feel worse, and only one student (1%) said that these apps make them feel better about themselves.
Some messages left through anonymous apps can lift the spirits of the one who is posting, while other messages can destroy their self-esteem. When asked why students think these apps make them feel worse about themselves, the answers were all very similar. Some said that people will be rude because they have no consequences, while others said people are just rude and they know that they have the power to make you feel bad about yourself.
On the contrary, these apps can also help students feel better about themselves when they are down. Nicer students will compliment others and try to spread positivity. One student even responded, “Some people only respond to good ones and ignore the bad ones, or don’t make a big deal about the negative ones. Those people are probably a lot happier than the people who respond to every single response and give the negativity the room to spread.”
Anonymous apps are used for many different things nowadays. There will always be somebody, somewhere who is trying to tear others down, but the best way to react to those people is to ignore it and to avoid spreading negativity. Most importantly, if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.

Hey everybody! My name is Kelsey Horton, I am a senior at Alliance High School. I am the 18 year old daughter of Lyle and Kate Horton. My older brother,...