Dawgs Through the Decades
In Alliance High School, the theme for homecoming this year is Dawgs Through the Decades. On Monday, to show class spirit, students brought out their leather jackets and poodle skirts and dressed as if they were from the 50s.
From 2:15 to 2:30 Monday Afternoon, the cheerleaders and drum line led the students celebrating through the halls and into the gym to compete in mini olympics.
Each mini olympic team consisted of four girls and four boys. A total of 16 teams took the court and participated in eight different competitive activities. There was a variety of competitions. Later the top four teams were announced: Wheaties Box Rejects in first place, Hash Slinging Slashers coming in second, El Pollo Loco’s landing in third, and Ballers 2.0 placing fourth. Tuesday, those four teams will meet again to compete for first place.
On Tuesday of Homecoming Week, students came to school with their best 60s attire. Around 2:30, all Alliance High School students met in the gym for the prep rally. To start it off, the homecoming court was introduced. Then, the first and fourth seed and the second and third seed of the mini olympics final teams went head to head to compete for a spot in the championship. With only a minute to spare, the two teams competed drastically flipping cups seeing which team had the most flipped cups at the end of the minute. The first and second seed eventually won the competition and were headed to the championship.
Next in the pep rally was the lip sync competition. 5 teams participated in the lip sync. Between each performance, seniors from each fall sport came to the court to discuss their sport and their season. The Alliance High cheer squad was announced as the 2019 homecoming lip sync winners.
During the pep rally, Mr. Lanik announced who won the hallway competition: the seniors! When all this was done, the first and second seed competed with tug of war for 1st place in mini olympics. Wheaties Rejects won 2-0 with The Hash Slinging Slashers falling in second.
Homecoming Coronation took place Tuesday night at 7pm. The Alliance High School cheer squad and band kicked off the night with a couple pep dances. They then performed their 2019 homecoming dance. Mr. Cheerleaders performed their routine, and 5 boys were selected for awards afterwards. The winners of the lip sync competition, the cheer squad, then performed their lip sync.
The homecoming court was then walked out and introduced to the crowd. The 2019 homecoming royalty are: Macala Hood and Zayn Stoike for the freshman class, Diana Kollers and Crayten Cyza for the sophomore class, Jewelia Taylor and Colter Mann for the junior class, and Emersen Cyza and Reece Jensen as second attendant, Hannah Weare and Mason Hiemstra as first attendant, and Hannah Middleton and Keaton Cottrell the 2019 Homecoming queen and king!
Wednesday of Homecoming week students dressed in 70s attire, and on Thursday students dressed in 80s attire. While there were no activities going on at school, the volleyball team went to Gordon and competed in a triangular against Valentine and Gordon. They won both matches.
On Friday, students dressed in 90s attire, blue, white, or both! The parade down Box Butte began at 2:30. The four high school classes, sports, activities, and clubs came to show off their decorated floats. Both the middle school band played Wipeout while the high school band played Hang on Sloopy, and the cheerleaders pepped up the crowd.
Later that night, the homecoming football game started at 7 pm. After a tough game, the Alliance Bulldogs fell to the Scottsbluff Bearcats 21-58. At 8 pm Saturday night, Alliance High students gathered for the Homecoming dance at the high school in their formal attire.

Hello, I am Maycee! I am a senior at Alliance High School, and this is my second year writing for the Spud! I am the daughter of Tara and Deon Quick. I...