Emma Gonzalez: The Generation of Change
Eighteen year old, Emma Gonzalez, a senior from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is now known for her act of speaking out at an anti-gun rally. As many may know by now, a shooting took place on February the 14th around 2 in the afternoon. This speech was presented to thousands of people at the Broward County Federal Courthouse in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on February 17, 2018, just after the shooting of 17 of her own peers.
Her speech was viewed as incredible and blew up everywhere. She became, to a lot of young teens, a new found hero and leader for law enforcements on gun control laws. Emma spoke powerful statements in her speech stating, “We are going to be the kids you read about in textbooks. Not because we’re going to be another statistic about mass shooting in America, but because, just as David said, we are going to be the last mass shooting.”
Gonzalez is not giving light to the shooter and anyone who says “it is what it is.” Emma believes this shooting will be the last, if everyone fights and comes together as one. She is speaking out to all of the young people scared to speak out on their own, to many she has become a firm voice. Her stance stands clear. Even if some do not agree with her opinions or stance, her overall speech is enforcing all who have an opinion on the matter to speak out about what they believe in! Emma also states “if us students have learned anything, it’s that if you don’t study, you will fail. And in this case if you actively do nothing, people continually end up dead, so it’s time to start doing something.” Emma has made it clear that the voices of young teens will not be silenced.
Many protests have been made already. Shortly after the mass shooting hundreds of students in Washington D.C. walked out of school mid-day and walked to the white house protesting for gun control. This shows the power students and young people can have.
A sophomore, Katelynn Gomez, was asked about how she felt about Emma’s speech. She commented on Emma’s determination, her overall bravery to speak out and said “from the speech in my opinion, this girl was legitimately brave to fight for a cause, not just for herself, but for everyone. One person can make a difference, and she wants to make one.” “As for other kids looking up to her, in my opinion, yes, this girl stood for what she believed in and fought for it without scourging in fear from the government and people in higher power. She is brave in my opinion. There may be other factors I’m not aware of, but making a stand takes courage.”
Students should be worried about their schooling, grades, and friends; not about all of the potential tragedies that may happen to their own school or any school for that matter. Emma Gonzalez has brought this idea forth. She has become a leader to a lot of young people. Now that Emma’s speech has gone viral all over social media, we will only have to wait and see what this means for the future of our students and our own children.

Hi! My name is Crystal Garza. I’m a senior at AHS, and this will be my third year writing for the SPUD. I’m the oldest daughter of Richard and Oneyda...