AHS Senior Cheerleaders: A Farewell
As we are approaching the end of winter sports, a two season sport is also coming to an end, Cheerleading. Five senior cheerleaders are leaving this year, which means a lot of leadership roles and experience will have to be found in the younger cheerleaders. The five senior cheerleaders: Serenity Sterkel, Shae Toof, Haley Hoxworth, Safyre Yearling, and Cherokee Purviance, are very good examples of what it takes to be a great cheerleader. These seniors demonstrated great dedication and responsibility.
Haley Hoxworth, one of our senior cheerleader has decided to take cheerleading to college by planning to cheer for Chadron State College. The three year cheerleader says she is taking cheerleading into college because, “Cheerleading is fun, It’ll keep you active and in shape, and it also helps pay for schooling.”
Cherokee, a first year senior cheerleader, says “there are good leaders in the junior class,” which means there won’t be much of a change in the leadership next year. The juniors this year show good characteristics of what it takes to be great leaders. She says what she will miss is “the sisterhood” “I’m going to college and don’t know many people.” The seniors this year have enjoyed their cheer season and encourage new people to join. It is a great thing to be a part of.
Serenity Sterkel, a three year cheerleader says “Our team is full of talent if girls are thinking of trying out, try out, you’ll have a good team.” Serenity was one of captains this year and was one of the underclassmen leaders and role models. She says she will miss “Getting to cheer on the best team.”
The highlight of this year was definitely seeing the seniors enjoy their last season. Cheerleading brings confidence and spirit. Me being a cheerleader myself, have grown close to all of the seniors. Not too long ago, the seniors experienced their last home game ever in Alliance High. This means the seniors are marking one of their “lasts” off their list. As they say, time flies when you are having fun.
Cheerleading is a sport where you can be creative and support your home team. It seems as though there is a lot of bittersweet moments while the senior cheerleaders finish off the season. It is bittersweet due to the fact that we know it’s their last year, and we are losing great talent, but also a sweet moment because the juniors from this year are taking over the leadership of the squad. Like Serenity said, if anyone is thinking of trying out, do it! Cheerleading is a great experience and something you will never forget!

Hi! My name is Crystal Garza. I’m a senior at AHS, and this will be my third year writing for the SPUD. I’m the oldest daughter of Richard and Oneyda...