Health Professions: Heroes of Tomorrow
Health Professions is a club that has been offered to the students of Alliance High for a few years now. The club has a presenter every month talking about the medical profession they are in. Health Professions has meetings every third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 in the morning. It is held at the hospital, and breakfast is almost always provided.
Students earn points by participating in community service, and attending meetings. The amount of points accumulated determines who goes on the trip to Lincoln starting sometime next year. During this trip, they are said to witness many routine things in the hospital and different health professions. The trip will be fully funded by the hospital. It would be a great experience for members who are really interested in the medical field.
When you are part of this club, you can earn a lot of community service hours with the opportunities it offers. So far, this club has had the opportunity to help decorate trees at Highland Park; twenty-two members from Alliance Health Professions Club went to Highland, while eight members went to decorate trees in Hemingford. Nine other members went to Pioneer Manor to decorate forty christmas doors.
I had the opportunity to talk to one of the members of this club and ask them why this club could be a great essential for people who are interested in the medical field. Most people join the club because they are interested in the benefits and the information you get from it. You can learn so much about the medical field, and can discover if you are really interested in dedicating your entire life to it. Orfelinda Gomez, a sophomore at Alliance High and member says that this club “Helps you explore the medical field and gives you many opportunities.” She also stated that you meet many different types of people and professions which helps you learn. She is interested in becoming a Registered Nurse, but says she is still exploring her nursing options, so this club was just perfect for her.
When the presenters give you advice, you can decide between which career you most likely would want to work for the rest of your life. Health Professions even helps a lot when applying for certain colleges. So far, the club has explored the profession of physical therapy and working in the lab looking at blood samples. Usually the presenters explain how they became what they are, and how long it takes. They discuss how many years of college you would need, and what you would need to study. They give you a lot of advice of how you need to love the job you are in because if you do not, then it just becomes work. Gomez says that all the information given in the club is absolutely great information that she will use in the future.
I, being a member of the club encourage students to look into joining. You can find what you are interested in and pursue it. It is a great way to be involved.

Hi! My name is Crystal Garza. I’m a senior at AHS, and this will be my third year writing for the SPUD. I’m the oldest daughter of Richard and Oneyda...