World Series 2017: Houston Takes It Home
The 2017 World Series was an unforgettable series of games. It was one that will never be forgotten. Both the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Houston Astros deserved to be in this game. They both played their best and every game had you on the edge of your seat.
The Houston Astros made history and won their first World Series in all of franchise history, defeating the Dodgers four to three. Los Angeles won games one, four, and six, while Houston winning games two, three, five, and seven. Many sport critics were fifty fifty with this World Series. Some came to think the Dodgers would take it home, and some predicted the Astros would be the winners. Both teams had a great chance of winning, as they both had great players and a great mindset. It was definitely a fight.
Los Angeles hosted games one, two, six, and seven, while Houston hosted games three, four, and five. Los Angeles had the home field advantage due to their 2017 regular season record setting number of 104 wins beating their 1962 and 1974 record for the most since moving to LA. The Astros and the Dodgers produced a record-setting World Series with the most home runs being 25 all together, beating the record of 21 set by the Anaheim Angels and the San Francisco Giants in 2002. It was the year of record setting for the World Series.
Every game ranged from two to five hours. Game five lasted five hours and seventeen minutes, due to twenty-five runs, while game one only lasted two hours and twenty-eight minutes, with the Dodgers winning 3-1. Game five being the longest and most nail biting game out of all of them went through the tenth inning, where the Astros scored one last run on the Dodgers beating them 13-12. It all came down to game seven. Both teams were even with the amount of wins. The Astros ended up rising to the top, and ended the game 5-1 over the Dodgers winning them the championship title.
Many say this was by far the wildest and most unique World Series in recent years. So much history was made and a lot of things had to be proved with these games. It was an emotional series for Dodger fans because the last time the Dodgers have made it to the World Series and won was in 1988. For the Astro fans however, it meant the world seeing their team win for the first time ever!
Hardworking teams deserve the World Series champion titles. This year it was the Houston Astros turn to be in the spotlight and see all of their hard work payoff. It was a series of very close games this year. Let’s hope there’s no bandwagoners this year though! Congratulations Houston!

Hi! My name is Crystal Garza. I’m a senior at AHS, and this will be my third year writing for the SPUD. I’m the oldest daughter of Richard and Oneyda...