A Letter to the Senior Class
Dear Class of 2016,
As senior homecoming quickly approaches, I’ve been taking a lot of time to think about our past and what our futures hold. Although time moves fast, I believe it is important for all of us to enjoy every last moment we have before we embark on our journey in life. Nobody ever listens to the older classes that have come and gone when they say “enjoy every second, it goes by so fast.” I think the reason it goes so fast is because we aren’t paying attention to what is happening now, we are focusing on what will happen next fall, in the next five years of our lives or how we think things are going to work out. As seniors, we only have one more of everything, one more homecoming and the traditional burning of the A, one more prom, one more sports season that many of us have dedicated our lives to, one more spring musical, but most importantly, one more year to spend with the people we have grown so close to. For some, they have spent every year together since the first day of Kindergarten, others came from St. Agnes after the eighth grade, and others have come and gone somewhere in between, but our class is one of the closest classes that have gone through Alliance High.
Along with the excitement of senior year, comes the stress. Whether you are furthering your education, seeking a job or you are undecided, there is still time to figure it out. Although there is not a lot of time, there is still some. It is important to remind yourself that the decision you make doesn’t necessarily mean that is what is set and stone. Eighty percent of college students change their major or what they plan to do after college completely. The decision you make now, it not engraved in stone, so take a deep breath and enjoy the little time you have left.
The year will continue to go quickly and soon we will all hang up the uniforms and costumes, but our journeys will continue. Remember that you are not alone on this adventure and that there are 92 of your classmates going through the same thing. Let’s make senior year a year that we will never forget.
Sincerely yours,
Madison Hiemstra

Hey guys! My name is Madison Hiemstra, I am the 17 year old daughter of Randy and Angie Hiemstra and currently a senior here at Alliance High School. I...