The landscape of Alliance High School has changed with the recent addition of a greenhouse. The greenhouse has been a long anticipated addition to the high school, and its arrival marks the beginning of newly enhanced curriculum’s for many classes.
Two and a half years ago Mrs. Vicki Joule’s Science Research class submitted a grant to the Alliance Public Schools Foundation to build a ten-by-ten foot greenhouse on the hill outside of the science classrooms, just to the west of the main building. Russ Finch, a local greenhouse owner, and the City of Alliance Chamber of Commerce then contacted Dr. Dan Hoesing to propose an enhanced idea for the proposed greenhouse. They wanted to build an eighty-five foot geothermal greenhouse, similar to the one at Russ Finch’s home. Additional fundraising was needed to pay for the expanded greenhouse, but the idea came to life this year.
Both the Science and the Agricultural Education Departments are currently utilizing the greenhouse. Mrs. Joule’s Botany class recently planted corn, beans, sunflowers, watermelon, squash, cucumbers, lettuce, chives, and geraniums in it while Miss Lori Walla’s Introduction to Agricultural Education and Natural Resources classes planted tomatoes, marigolds, and peas. Russ Finch has also planted a variety of cacti and other flowering plants within it.
The Science and Agricultural classes will focus on using the greenhouse as an avenue to provide experience for students to grow garden and crop plants, however, any class that would like to enhance their curriculum can have access to the greenhouse. The Science Department has recently developed dual-credit Botany class that utilizes the greenhouse and the Alternative Energy classes will also be using the greenhouse as a resource. Ms. Walla will also add a Horticulture class to her class list for the 2013-2014 school year and that class will be using the greenhouse as well.
The greenhouse has been an exciting addition to the Alliance High School campus, and it has been well received by the students, staff, and public. The Alliance High School greenhouse arrival marks the beginning of decades of use and enhanced learning.