Alliance Makes It to Districts!
Districts were held in Sidney, Nebraska on December 3, 2022. There were eight total groups who had made it to the district. AHS performed Romeo and Juliet: Six Very Busy Days, and won 7th place! Though AHS did not place as well as they had hoped, their performers did indeed retrieve awards! Mario Rodriguez and Olive Radice won “Best Actor/ Actress”. The “All festival acting team”, from the Scottsbluff early bird invite were: Christian Soriano, Morgan LeMunyan, Ayvrie Waldron, Noah Drew,and Kailie Stone! Lastly, the performers who received acting certificates, for the day, at the Western Conference were: Christian Soriano, Ayvrie Waldron, Zachary Montgomery, Sierra Banks, and Kailie Stone! AHS is so proud of the entire cast of One Act. Way to go!

Hey, my name is Katelyn Heisler. I’m 15 years old and the youngest of two other siblings. My parents are Jesse and Lisa Heisler. My brother,...