Joy and Regrets of being a Student Athlete at AHS
During the four years you can be an athlete in high school, you are sure to have made many memories, good and bad ones. You gained a lot of experience and by the time you say goodbye you might have wanted to change something. That being said, you definitely had your favorite memories.
Over time you might have quit some sports you started during your freshman year. Emma Wood, who is currently participating in girls basketball, stated that, “I wish I would have worked harder from the beginning of freshman year because it goes by too fast and now I wish I would have taken it more seriously throughout my high school career. I also wish I would have realized how much a sport was affecting me mentally sooner so that I did not waste three and a half years playing it before quitting.” Leyton Schnell, currently in girls basketball and track, mentioned that she regrets that she didn’t play basketball her junior year. Macala Hood, who is in cross country, girls basketball and track, regrets that she did, “not tried cross country sooner.” When I asked what each of them would change in their high school career, Hood mentioned that she would like to have achieved more personal records sooner in track. Tory Picket-Pin, a wrestler, said that he would change his attitude during his high school career. Wood, Schnell and Hood agreed that their favorite year of their high school career was their freshman year. Picket-Pin’s favorite year has been his senior year.
Schnell noted that her favorite thing about her career were the bus rides with the team. Hood’s favorite thing was that she already competed at the varsity level in track her freshman year. Wood’s favorite memory was winning the freshman basketball tournament and Picket-Pin noted that his favorite was meeting great people.
For advice for freshmen, Wood stated, “High school sports have a lot of positives. Sports teach you leadership, responsibility, teamwork and many other important life skills. However, if participating in sports does not make you happy, do not do them. Your mental health is more important than high school sports.” Schnell stated, “Be persistent because sometimes it isn’t easy but your hard work will be worth it in the end.” Hood’s advice for the freshman is. “Push yourself in practice” and Picket-Pin’s advice is, “Love the process. Love the soreness. Love to compete.”
Schnell and Wood will not continue their athletic career in college. Hood is continuing her career at Mount Marty University for track and Picket-Pin is not sure at this moment if he will continue his career. If he does, he would like to wrestle at Northland Community Technical College.
No matter if they continue their athletic career in college or not, the SPUD would like to wish every single one of them good luck in college and with their ongoing season!

Hi, I'm Ella Oezen. I am an exchange student from Germany for the 2021/2022 school year. Due to the fact that AHS lists all exchange student as seniors,...