Behind The Scenes: Cheerleading
You see them at every home football game, volleyball game, basketball game, wrestling dual, and at sport sendoffs. They pump up the crowd, and lead the cheers. Cheerleaders are the greatest supporters of our school, but there is so much more to this sport than just cheering and jumping.
Behind the scenes cheerleaders do a lot of things for the school. Homecoming is one of the busiest weeks for the cheerleading squad. Every year, cheerleaders are in charge of coronation night. They have to perform a dance, make up a dance for Mr.Cheerleader, and escort the royalty candidates. Cheerleaders, although one may not know, are the ones that put up every student’s locker signs for homecoming week. They are in charge of ordering flowers, preparing the programs, and typing the questions and answers for the homecoming candidates on coronation night. They are also responsible for making all of the senior yard signs, and are responsible for parent’s night for every sport. Head coach, Danielle Swanson, says that “the hardest thing about cheerleading is taking care of every other sport while still focusing on their own.”
Danielle and head captain, Shae Toof say it takes around two to three months for any performance. State takes the most preparation, and it usually includes weekend practices, especially when getting closer to state time. It also includes three to four hour practices. State the last couple years haven’t been the best for Alliance, but every year, the cheer squad brings the best routine they have. Their goal is to be the best they can be and improve each year. State this year is February 16th. Now that stunting has been added to the Alliance cheer squad, Shae says that it is very important and mandatory for cheerleaders to attend weights in the summer, because stunting takes technique and strength. Although one may not know all the behind the scenes work the cheerleaders do, it does not go unnoticed!

Hi! My name is Crystal Garza. I’m a senior at AHS, and this will be my third year writing for the SPUD. I’m the oldest daughter of Richard and Oneyda...