New Faces For Softball
Coach Alex Hildebrand and Coach Ashley Belmer
The Alliance High School has seen some new faces in their coaching staff this new school year. Two of these new faces are the softball coaches, Ashley Belmer and Alex Hildebrand. They are both dedicated and ready to work with this years softball players.
Coach Belmer went to Wanye State College and got her degree in physical education and coaching. Belmer can see herself coaching softball until she retires. “I have a great group of girls who work hard and have good personalities,” Belmer says about her 2014-15 team. Her first year has gone well and she hopes it continues to be on the way to victory.
Alex Hildebrand is a deputy sheriff and the SRO officer at the high school. “ I believe that this year has gone well. The progress they have made is where they need to be so we can have a good program in the future.” He is very impressed with the progress the team has made since day one and he expects them to continue to get better and better. Coach Hildebrand will continue to coach softball at Alliance as long as they ask him to do it.
Both Coach Hildebrand and Coach Belmer agree that the softball team has come a long way from the beginning. Hildebrand believes that they have erased all of the mental errors that the team had and will continue to fix the few physical errors. Belmer also believes that the errors have been fixed. She also commented that the team is more fundamentally sound and are understanding the mental aspect of the game.
Emily Steggs is a sophomore at Alliance High School who plays for the AHS Softball team. “Belmer and Coach Cop are going to make us into a winning team. They push us to get better and to be the best that we can be.” She believes that with the coaching aspects that we will be able to win this year. She also commented that she believes that coaches want the best for the whole team.
Coach Belmer and Coach Hildebrand are looking out for the best in the team of twenty-one softball players. The coaches want to succeed just as much as the players do and will work their hardest to do so.

My name is Peyton Stoike. I’m a senior at AHS. I’ve played for the high school softball team since my freshman year. I’m a very good student, and...