Alliance High School Musical

The Alliance High School held their School Musical throughout April 13th-15th. The musical was a huge excitement to many, as they performed “Mean Girls” by Tina Fey. Behind the scenes were cast members that worked day, and night for their roles. Such as Annaka Digmann who played Cady, Morgan LeMunyan as Regina, Avery Waldren as Karen, and Ann Ryan as Gretchen. I asked Dr. Kloch how she felt the cast did for the musical, She stated “ The cast did a wonderful job, especially the main cast!”
The musical ranged from all the scenes from the movie, “Mean Girls” and so on. The musical was a huge highlight for the choir kids. “ I couldn’t believe we did Mean Girls, it was on my bucket list!” Stated a couple of the cast members. The audience got a kick out of Evan Hadden’s humor as he portrayed Damian! As the night grew old people got tons of laughs and giggles out of the whole show! I can’t wait for next year to see what Musical is next!

Caylee Loomis was born and raised in Alliance, Nebraska. She went to school from preschool to her seventh-grade year in Alliance then transferred...