What do New Year’s Resolutions mean to you? I asked several people about their resolutions and what they meant to them with, Mrs. Thompson said “I think they are great! I think that they make us better people, but we should always do them no matter what. Always be bettering ourselves even if we don’t want to. In 2023, I don’t remember what I chose but I believe it had to do something with me finishing my classes. In 2024 my resolutions are to stop buying so many things online because my husband doesn’t want me to spend so much money. I believe that people should have as many resolutions as they want to achieve. They shouldn’t make a list and then not do it because they don’t feel like it. You should always want to achieve something that you plan on doing through out the year when you just want to do something, you should always feel good about yourself!”
Mrs. Ackerman said, “I feel like it’s something they should do all year and not at the beginning of the year because people lose their motivation. My New Year’s resolution is to give my daughter one cool new experience every year. I think New Year’s resolutions are more a goal than a resolution because we use them as interchangeable. So what my daughter and I did for last year’s New Year’s is go to the Taylor Swift concert, it was so cool! All I want is do is do cool things every year with my daughter!”
Mr. wells said “New Year’s resolutions for me just mean having goals for the next year. What do you want to accomplish and how do you intend to accomplish it? My resolutions from last year were… 1. Learn to ride a motorcycle. 2. Get my motorcycle operator’s license. 3. Ride my motorcycle. I achieved those goals. So now I have to think of new ones. I do think that having goals is important. When we don’t have something to work toward we get stuck in the rut of comfort. Humans need challenges to maintain a healthy mind and body. Without goals and challenges, we tend to get more depressed as our bodies and minds begin to reflect too much on what we don’t have, rather than what we are willing to do to get what we want. In other words, we begin to adopt what I call the “poor me” attitude instead of the “why not me” attitude we need to maintain a happier healthier mind and body. Having goals in general is important. You can call them New Year’s Resolutions if you want, but you should always have goals that you are working towards. So, yes, they are important to me. But they should be important for everyone. Goals are the steps on the staircase to our dreams. If you don’t set goals and work toward them, you’ll never reach your dreams. You should have short-term goals, mid-term goals, and long-term goals. A short-term goal might be something like I’m going to run a mile today. A mid-term goal might be I want to run a half marathon in 6 months, and a long-term goal might be I want to run a full marathon in a year. I think everyone should have goals dreams, and aspirations they are working for. Goals are what get us out of our comfort zone and get us to learn and grow.”
Danika Garcia stated, “I never really made a New Year’s resolution. I think to some people they are more goals than anything. If I made one it would be something I really wanted to do. I think it all depends on the person, if they think they did met their resolutions or made a new one. The things that people just want to do and to better themselves for resolutions. It is not really to better themselves it’s just a goal they want for the new year, maybe they want to do something in life each year.”
My family and I had talked and they think that New Year’s resolution are something that you wanted to do because you wanted to reach a goal or because you wanted to accomplish something. A resolution is something that you are excited for in the year and is something that will happen all the time. It doesn’t matter what your going through, throughout the year you’ll always have something to look up to and always have something to say your proud of. So when someone asks me what my New Year’s resolution was I always say to trust in others because no matter what, someone will always be there for you. Have a great year everyone and I hope you meet you goals!