May The Fourth Be With You!

Have you ever seen Star Wars? You know, the film franchise that to this day ranks as the fourth highest-grossing movie of all time even though the first film came out in 1977, and was created by George Lucas? Well if you somehow haven’t seen this immaculate franchise, that is fine. Space opera isn’t for everyone. However, you must have heard “May the fourth be with you.” If you have, Star Wars is where it comes from.
In this franchise, there is a sort of power that is called “the force,” and the only people that hold this power, and help protect the peace and justice of the republic, are called Jedis (Jed-eyes). Within the Jedis, there is this one that is called Obi-Wan Kenobi (Oh-be-One Ke-no-be). Obi-Wan uses this phrase “May the Force be with you” as a way to wish luck, and good will. Generally when he, and another individual must part ways, or the object of the expression was facing some sort of impending issue. So, May 4th, is now an annual, and national holiday that celebrates the infamous franchise. Please, “May the Fourth be with you.”

Hey, my name is Katelyn Heisler. I’m 15 years old and the youngest of two other siblings. My parents are Jesse and Lisa Heisler. My brother,...