How to: Sport in Germany
When I came to the US nearly everything changed for me. Although I started a new life for a year, some things stayed the same like volleyball and sport in general. One of the cultural shocks I experienced was how different sports are treated in the US compared to Germany.
Growing up, soccer was the only important sport in Germany. There wasn’t a weekend where there wouldn’t be a soccer game. Some people watch the Super Bowl, but that’s about all of the football Germans watch. As you can see soccer is the most popular sport in Germany, Europe and the world. Most people watch the Olympics and nearly everybody watches the soccer World Cup and European Cup.
Watching the Olympics you would think Germany does a lot of different sports. In bigger cities, yes but even if you live near one of the larger cities you don’t really have a lot of options. Growing up, there were a few options: volleyball, baseball (with girls if they want to play), gymnastics, dance, handball, field hockey and of course soccer. This may seem like a lot but it really isn’t.
Playing a sport in Germany is different. You have to find a sport by yourself, it’s not part of the school and every practice is outside of school. While you practice your sport everyday in high school in America you only practice a few times a week in Germany but the season never ends. Game days only happen for a certain amount of time, but there is practice all year around. Most of the time you have practice twice a week for up to two hours. Some sports do have practice a few more times a week, but it’s not usual. If you have practice more than twice a week it automatically means that you are really good at your sport.
Game days are also a lot different in Germany. No one shows up to the games except the parents, and sometimes not even them. Game days are also always during weekends. Volleyball teams play two games and ref another one, all on the same day. A volleyball game day away usually starts around 7 a.m. and the first game is usually played at 8 a.m.. A volleyball game day is usually finished around 1 or 2 p.m..
Coming here and seeing all the people that come to see the teams play even if they don’t know players is insane. All the bus rides with the team and having practice everyday is in my opinion a better way to get memories and get better in your sport. I would definitely trade American high school sport with whatever we have in Germany no matter what sport.

Hi, I'm Ella Oezen. I am an exchange student from Germany for the 2021/2022 school year. Due to the fact that AHS lists all exchange student as seniors,...