Presidents Day 2022


Makayla Goss, Staff Writer

Presidents Day falls on Monday, February 21, 2022, this year.  This holiday is celebrated on the third Monday in February every year. The reason why so many get confused with Washington’s birthday is that the people choose to incorporate him and celebrate him so much on Presidents Day. George Washington was originally born on February 11, 1732. While the Julian calendar was in use, “people in Great Britain and America switched the official calendar system from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar (something that most of Europe had already done in 1582)’’ ( This change asked people to add eleven days to their birthday. Most people also celebrate Abraham Lincoln so much because his birthday is close to Presidents Day with the day being celebrated being on the twelfth.

The reason this day is not a national holiday is that nobody in government has stated that it was a national holiday. States have the right to choose when and what they want as a holiday or not. This day began in 1885 in honor of George Washington and was celebrated on his birthday. Later, in 1970, the day was changed to President Day, which was the government’s way of trying to get more three-day weekends. 

Many different states have different ways of celebrating Presidents Day. In Arkansas, they celebrate it as Civil Rights day. Alabama celebrates George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. On the same day and in Nebraska, we celebrate George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. 

Since Nebraska celebrates Presidents Day and George Washington’s birthday students would usually still have to go to school and not many other places close down. How did you celebrate Presidents Day?