Comfortable is Boring
As January slips away and 2022 starts to feel more like a real year, my schedule seems to be just as busy as it was during the first semester. However, my weekends are no longer filled with dirty cleats and bus rides, but pantsuits and van rides. That’s right, it’s speech season! I joined the speech team my sophomore year and absolutely loved it. It’s hard to believe that it is already my senior season.
During my sophomore year, my goals for speech were very small. I had no idea what I was doing. For my senior year though, it is my goal to go to state in the event of poetry. This is a very ambitious goal, but I think I am capable. Even if I don’t make it to state though, I have still enjoyed every second of speech season. I am beyond thankful for my coaches and team members (or the speech gang as we say). They make waking up at five in the morning every Saturday until March enjoyable.
Speech has also built my confidence tremendously. I am more confident in not just my public speaking abilities but with who I am as a person. Speech has helped me learn that it doesn’t matter what other people think of you. Everyone else is probably too worried about how they did to even think of you. Speech has also taught me how to step out of my comfort zone. Before speech, I only stuck to what I was comfortable with. Now, I like doing things that push me out of my element.
Speaking of “out of my element”, I have also auditioned for the spring musical. In April, the cast will perform The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical and I am playing Poseidon. Although singing isn’t quite my thing, this is another high school activity that has brought me so much joy. The cast becomes family, and being able to show off all your hard work on opening night is an amazing feeling.
Part of being a senior is taking advantage of opportunities you won’t have again. After this year, speech van trips and set-building Saturdays will all be a distant memory. These are all memories that I am deeply grateful for, and wouldn’t have made if I didn’t step out of my comfort zone. So, if you are an underclassman reading this, join a new club or activity. Comfortable is boring, and you never know what you might fall in love with.

Hi everyone! My name is Morgan Moomey. I am a senior at AHS, and this is my third and final year writing for the SPUD. This year I am Co-Editor-in-Chief...