Twelfth Grade Turmoil
What do you get when you mix college classes and softball season together? You get an absolute mess, also known as me. When I was a freshman, I remember hearing about how hard junior year would be, and how easy senior would be. I also remember thinking, “okay, you’ve gotten the hard year out of the way” when I successfully made it through my junior year. However, senior year is starting to stress me out way more than I expected.
This year, I’ve decided to take two dual credit college classes per semester. This in itself is stressful, but when you add in the fact that I have practice every day and that I am gone every weekend for softball, time for homework seems to slip away. I’m trying my best to stay on top of my work, but I’m still learning how my college classes operate. I’ve learned that procrastination is going to be my worst enemy because it takes me some time to understand how to format and upload my assignments. I need to start on them earlier to ensure that I give myself enough time to complete them.
Although I still have many activities on my plate, I have actually removed something from my schedule. This year I decided to quit band. Band is something that I have been in since sixth grade. Since my freshman year of high school, band has always been my first-period class. Not being in band first period is still something that I am not used to; although, I am grateful that I don’t have the stress of marching band season on top of the stress I already have from school and softball.
Senior year has been way harder than I expected so far; that being said, I’m excited to see all that I can accomplish. Softball season is already halfway over, so I am trying my absolute best to take it all in before it’s over. It’s still insane that this is my fourth and final year being a Bulldog on the field. I want to take advantage of every opportunity handed to me. I know I’m stressed right now, but I also know how much I am going to miss everything once I graduate. Here’s to senior year!

Hi everyone! My name is Morgan Moomey. I am a senior at AHS, and this is my third and final year writing for the SPUD. This year I am Co-Editor-in-Chief...