Room 201
This year was my first year being a teacher cadet. I was paired with Julie Weems, a fourth grade teacher at St. Agnes. I did not attend St. Agnes when I was younger, so the school was new to me the first day that I walked in. I was excited to be there and meet all of the kids! As soon as I stepped into room 201, I was greeted with the warmest welcome. They made me feel safe to be there, and all of the kids were also excited and nervous to meet me. I knew it was going to be a great year, but I did not know I was going to love them all as much as I do.
I have always wanted to go into a teaching career, but being able to spend time at St. Agnes with both Mrs. Weems and the kids has proven that being a teacher is the right thing for me. I look up to Mrs. Weems through everything that she does as a teacher and as an individual. I have so much fun every time that I am there and continue to develop relationships with the kids. I learn so much from each of them every day. It makes me excited for what the future has to hold for me. My heart is filled with so much joy, because of room 201.
As a senior, I encourage underclassmen to try cadet teaching. It can really change people’s minds on what they want to go into as a career in the future. Cadet teaching helps those who are on edge about the career they want to go into. Many high school students have found that being around kids is not for them, while others like me, have found it to be the complete opposite. Students who think that they would never be good with kids find out that it is exactly what they are good at. It is an amazing experience that I have already learned so much from, and we are only one semester into the year.
With this semester coming to an end, I cannot wait to go back to St. Agnes when school starts up again in January. I am so thankful for Mrs. Weems and her class. Every day I wake up, cadet is the part of my day that I look forward to going to most. I also thank the Alliance High School for providing such a great program for their students to grow and learn for their future. It is going to be a sad goodbye to room 201 when the time comes, but I am so thankful that I was able to meet each and every one of them. The memories I take away will stay with me forever!

Hey everyone! My name is Karly Wangler, and I am a senior at AHS. I am 17 years old, but will turn 18 in October. I am the daughter of Tim and Jeralee...