Living Through My Lasts
Not until recently, had the feelings and thoughts finally set in. This is my last year of high school, and I do not know if I am ready to leave. There are so many memories that I think I took for granted, and this year will be my last time doing any of them. I learned in the beginning of my last year here to never stress about any of the time in high school. You will make some of the best memories here with the people you love. Growing up means letting go, and there is so much to let go of.
Walking in on the first day of school this year, I didn’t think about it being my last first day of high school ever. This year I will be experiencing many lasts. My last time getting ready for school in the morning, my last time going to watch a home football game, my last time studying all night for a test I already know I will pass and my last time going out to lunch with my friends. This will be the last of going to any of the school dances or my last time gaining great advice from some of my favorite teachers. My last time cheering loudly with everyone in the dawg pound and my last time laughing so hard that I cry with all of the people I have grown up with. There are so many memories that I will make this year inside of our school, and so many more that I will leave here when I walk out those doors on the last day.
This being my first year joining the SPUD, it is going to be another amazing opportunity that I am going to have to say goodbye to. We are only in the first couple months of school and I already enjoy being around all of the girls in this class so much. I now wish that I would have gained the courage to join this class much sooner. There are so many memories that I hope to make in this class, along with friendships I hope to take from it. I tend to stumble into moments that catch me off guard but end up turning into some of the best times of my life. I believe this class is going to be one of them.
There are so many things you do not think about until your time is almost up. So, here I am to tell you to cherish every moment of high school that you can. The good and the bad. It makes you who you are. These experiences that you go through will change your life, and teach you many life lessons. So, cherish it all. Most of my best memories came from this school, and they will stay with me forever. I am so grateful to every single one of my classmates that I have grown up with for the past twelve years of my life because they have each taught me something different. To the underclassmen who are wishing to get out of high school as soon as possible, my advice to you is to slow down, look around and enjoy your time here. Take it all in as long as you can because before you know it, it will be over. Thank you AHS for all of these amazing memories you have given me. I am excited to move on to my next journey!

Hey everyone! My name is Karly Wangler, and I am a senior at AHS. I am 17 years old, but will turn 18 in October. I am the daughter of Tim and Jeralee...
Tori Daum • Sep 15, 2020 at 9:57 pm
Oh my Karly! Where has the time gone! It seems just like yesterday you were two and leaving me speechless! I wish I could be there more to support you, and share all these wonderful memories with you throughout the year! Everyday wear a smile, cause in ten years you will look back and only remember the great times and laugh about the lesser ones! I love you so much! Even though I am miles away, I am always there in spirit and you are always in my heart! I’m so glad you are making new friends and memories ❤️❤️❤️