My Monthly Issue: Peace Out Homies
Heck yeah, it’s May! I think I can speak for everyone when I say we’re all ready for summer. While I’m ready for school to be done, I have had a really great year. Sadly, I will have to say goodbye to some seniors and a few losers who aren’t taking this class next year.
A lot of the girls in journalism would probably say that we became a family this year. I think we’re all pretty close first cousins… I will surely keep in touch with those who are graduating and see them often. This is how I’ll say goodbye.
Safyre, of the three seniors, I’ve known you the longest. Last year, our friendship began when we bullied each other in honors chemistry. The verbal and physical abuse strengthened our friendship and shaped us into where we are today. We’ve had each other’s backs through the tough times and I am really glad to have gotten to know you as well as I have.
Autumn, you’re the one who I’ve probably hung out with the most. Last year we shared a friend group and had some great afternoons full of fun. From bike rides to bonfires, some of my favorite memories involved hanging out with our group. I had a lot of fun joking around with you and will definitely miss you next year.
Sharia, you were the senior I knew the least coming into this school year, but throughout the year, we’ve gotten really close. I know that out of the three, you and I probably have the most similar sense of humor, which is really great. Otherwise, I’d probably get yelled at for having possible inappropriate jokes. I’m also gonna miss seeing you every time I go to DQ.
While I’m glad that school is almost over, I recently discovered that I am to be the only male working at the pool this summer. Looks like my monthly issue is gonna get tan too. There has never been very many guys who work at the pool, and I had days where I was the only guy, but this year it’s all me. I’m sure I’m going to have to do all the gross jobs. Cough cough cleaning up human feces cough cough.
Also, it looks like I’m the only guy, as of now, signed up for journalism next year so be prepared for My Monthly Issue next August!

Hello, I am Zachary Placek. I am a senior at Alliance High School. This is my second year on the SPUD, and I am our Senior Editor. Last year, I competed...