North Carolina Shooting

Photo courtesy of CNN.
Wednesday, February 11, three students were shot to death in an apartment near UNC Chapel Hill Campus. Craig Stephen Hicks found a car belonging to one of the victims in what he claimed was his parking space. Hick’s then went to the victim’s condo and shot all three people in a confrontation. Deah Barakat 23, Yusor Abu-Salha 21, a young married couple, and Razan Abu-Salha, 19, Yusor’s younger sister. Was it a fight over a parking space or a hate crime? Their families say the gunman had threatened the victims before, and they believe the shootings were a hate crime. Craig Stephen Hicks, a 46 year-old suspect, has been charged with murder. His wife, Karren Hicks said she was shocked by the killings and offered condolences to the victim’s families. “This incident had nothing to do with religion or the victims’ faith, but in fact was related to the longstanding parking disputes that my husband had with the neighbors,” Karen Hicks said. The father of the victims, however, told CNN he was sure that wasn’t true. “We have no doubt that the way they looked and the way they believed had something to do with this,” Mohammad Abu-Salha said. When his son-in-law lived alone the family never had any problems. But once his daughter moved in wearing a headscarf that clearly identified her as Muslim, trouble started, he said. “My daughter, Yusor, honest to God, told us on more more than two occasions that this man came knocking at the door and fighting about everything with a gun on his belt, more than twice,” her father said. “She told us, ‘Daddy, I think he hates us for who we are and how we look.” Learning how his two daughters and son-in-law were killed has made him more convinced.
“Our investigators are exploring what could have motivated Mr. Hicks to commit such a senseless and tragic act,” Chapel Hill police Chief, Chris Blue said. “We understand the concerns about the possibilities that this was hate-motivated, and we will exhaust every lead to determine if that is the case.” Hicks turned himself in to police Tuesday night and he is cooperating with investigators. He also has no criminal record, the official said.

Hi guys. My name is Carissa Adamson. I'm sixteen and I'm a sophomore.I have three siblings. Jacob is a freshman, Brycen is going to be a fourth grader...