Man Hunt Underway For Cop Killer
31-year-old Eric Matthew Frein is wanted for the death of Pennsylvania State Police Cpl. Bryon Dickson. Frein has been on the move for the past ten days and he still has yet to be found. The suspected cop killer has an extensive training as a marksman. Authorities say he’s a survivalist who knows his way around the woods, where he is believed to be hiding. Police say he’s been plotting his attack for months. Before Dickson and Trooper Alex Douglass were shot outside the state police barracks in Blooming Grove, Pennsylvania on September 12. Investigators know Frein “has made statements about wanting to kill law enforcement officers and also to commit mass acts of murder,” State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan said last week. “He has very strong feelings about law enforcement and seems to be very angry with a lot of things that go on in our society.” Bivens said while Frein planned his attack and retreat, “we believe we are closing in on him. Frein also has many odd fascinations with the Cold War. A trail of clues led authorities to issue a search warrant on the suspect’s family’s home. That’s when Frein’s father told authorities that two firearms were missing, an AK-47; and the other was a .308 rifle, which investigators believe was the same type of rifle used to shoot the troopers. Frein’s father said that his son grew up around guns and he was a member of the rifle team at his high school. “When he shoots, he doesn’t miss” says Frein’s father. Schools have been closed in the area for safety reasons.

Hey guys! My name is Madison Hiemstra, I am the 17 year old daughter of Randy and Angie Hiemstra and currently a senior here at Alliance High School. I...