Life for everyone is very different, we come from different backgrounds and walks of life. Everyone has their different life experiences and life choices. For some it’s harder, and for others it’s easy. For me, it was different. It was different because I was seen as different from other people’s perspectives, they judged that on how they should treat me. I know many people have gone through the same thing I have, because I was and still am friends with those people.
I was treated a lot differently in middle school than I am now but that still affects how I do certain things in my life. When people first found out, they weren’t really sure what to do. I had came out as omnisexual (I like all genders, but have a preference for one specific gender) and was harassed a lot. People either stared, or made extremely rude comments on how it “wasn’t right” and “not normal”. I started to become more reclused from people, and it didn’t help me that I dressed very gothic/emo. This would happen almost everyday during my middle school years, which was pretty stressful. I rarely spoke back to them because I had very bad anxiety, and everytime I reported them, I was just told that “that’s how they act ”. I learned to ignore this up to my 8th grade year.
One person who really understood what I had to deal with had dealt with it also. They went to a very Christian school, and were chastised just for being different. It ruined their middle school experience and made them stick to a close group of people.
My freshman year everything changed. No one really seemed to care that much, which I’m happy about. I rarely get comments on how I dress or my sexuality. I still hide a lot of parts about my identity because I’m still scared about what will happen. People change a lot through their high school years and I’m still going through mine. Maybe, one day, I’ll be comfortable being myself.