Finals Push Back
Buckle down, finals have been canceled. As the week came closer many people were preparing for the finals, but little did they know a blizzard was on the way. Monday would be their last day for 4 days. Snow day after snow day, Mr. Stein and the school board made the decision to move finals for the Alliance High School. Keeping everyone in their semester one classes till January 10th, having finals on the 9th and the 10th of January. Leaving everyone to have a major setback.
As Christmas break goes by remember to keep your books open and have a good mindset. Remember to take your time and focus on the outcome of passing. Good luck to the students during finals and have a Merry Christmas

Caylee Loomis was born and raised in Alliance, Nebraska. She went to school from preschool to her seventh-grade year in Alliance then transferred...