Christmas Break Activities
Burr burr burr, bundle up for Christmas break. As the semester comes to an end, there are many fun Christmas activities to do. Such as snow sledding on the huge snow drifts, careful not to fall in. Making gingerbread houses, Christmas movies, hot cocoa, and my personal favorite snowball fights. Christmas is one of the many holidays where families come together and do many fun activities such as present opening and just a day of family bonding.
As the days get colder the nights get longer and the days get shorter. Don’t be scared to get out and about, and experience the cold air. Just be safe while out driving! Don’t want to slip, and always remember to buckle up on the icy roads. The SPUD would like to wish AHS a very Merry Christmas!

Caylee Loomis was born and raised in Alliance, Nebraska. She went to school from preschool to her seventh-grade year in Alliance then transferred...